Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Making Lunch Fun: First Day of School

Our son's first day of school was yesterday (3rd grade!).  To celebrate, I made him an extra special lunch.  Unfortunately, I didn't have a number 3 cookie cutter, so I improvised, using a pastry bag tip to stamp out the appropriate shape.  The sandwich is simply a PB & J, with sprinkles.  I sliced up a Red Delicious and cored it with one of my Cross mini cookie cutters.  

First Day of School Lunch #BackToSchool #LunchIdeas #FirstDayOfSchool #1stDayOfSchool #Lunch #Ideas #Idea #Lunches #1st #Back #To #Day #Cookie #Cutter #Sandwich #Sandwiches #Printable #Printables #One #Smart #Cookie

I used our Food Saver's "seal" function to cut a plastic snack bag down for the cookie.  Then, I used yellow, chevron card stock and affixed a cute button that I made, which says "You're one smart cookie. (I hope your first day is awesome)".

First Day of School Lunch Idea {with FREE Printable} #Back #To #Ideas #1st #Lunches #Day #Cookie #Cutter #Sandwich #Sandwiches #Printables #One #Smart #Cookie #Cut #Out #Outs #Fun #Kids #Food

I made a printable, that includes a "smart cookie" button by itself (in case you'd prefer to attach it to a different colored/patterned cardstock), and a bag topper, with a yellow chevron background and cookie button.  Click here to print them.

Do you do anything special for your kiddo's first day of school?

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