Wednesday, September 18, 2013

50 Elf on the Shelf Ideas


Thank you so much for visiting!  For more FREE Printables, Calendars and additional ideas, check out my other posts

--> 2015 Elf on the Shelf Calendar with Free Printables <--
--> Elf on the Shelf 2014 Calendar (25+ NEW Ideas) <--
--> Make your Elf on the Shelf Bendy! {2-Minute No Sew Tutorial} <--


Some may find it unsettling to have a doll *watch* your every move, but an Elf on the Shelf is SO much fun.  You know that Christmas Day level of excitement?  You get to see this every morning, as your child tries to find their elf. 

Our son named his elf “Reese”, and he arrives the day after Thanksgiving.  We (and the collective retail world) feel this particular date marks the official start of the Christmas season. 
Over 50 Elf On The Shelf Ideas PLUS a Calendar Download & Printables {Domestic Femme} #ElfOnTheShelf #ElfOnTheShelfIdeas #Idea #Nice #Naughty #Good #Bad #Boys #Girls #Printable #Calendars #Picture #Pictures #Photo #Photos #Coloring #Christmas #Holiday #Holidays #Traditions #Tradition #Elves #Activity #Activities #Kids #Minecraft #Creeper #Funny #Mischievous #A #Kids #Toddlers #Quick #Easy #Younger #Older #Arrival #Hiding

I’ve noticed quite a few families enjoy the use of their elf as a behavior modification tool, or a physical reminder of Santa’s watchful eye.  Our scout elf is definitely watching, but we don’t ever use the phrase “Reese/Santa’s watching”.  <-- We prefer to use the same techniques year-round to keep our child on the straight & narrow (timeout, privileges taken away, etc).  
 Our elf is purely there for fun, and a great way to enjoy the days leading up to Christmas.

Over 50 Elf On The Shelf Ideas PLUS a Calendar Download & Printables {Domestic Femme} #ElfOnTheShelf #ElfOnTheShelfIdeas #Idea #Nice #Naughty #Good #Bad #Boys #Girls #Printable #Calendars #Picture #Pictures #Photo #Photos #Coloring #Christmas #Holiday #Holidays #Traditions #Tradition #Elves #Activity #Activities #Kids #Minecraft #Creeper #Funny #Mischievous #A #Kids #Toddlers

1. The elf got into the sprinkles and made snow angels
2. Reese took a wet erase marker, and drew on your photos! *Reese wuz here*
3. Your child's LEGO friends aren't too happy about Reese's return, and have tied him up. ~ One of the rioter's signs reads "A... is OURS! Find a NEW best friend!"*
4. The elf took mom/dad's car for a joyride. **Fact** Your neighbors will think you came home drunk and unintentionally parked on the lawn.

Over 50 Elf On The Shelf Ideas PLUS a Calendar Download & Printables {Domestic Femme} #ElfOnTheShelf #ElfOnTheShelfIdeas #Idea #Nice #Naughty #Good #Bad #Boys #Girls #Printable #Calendars #Picture #Pictures #Photo #Photos #Coloring #Christmas #Holiday #Holidays #Traditions #Tradition #Elves #Activity #Activities #Kids #Minecraft #Creeper #Funny #Mischievous #A #Kids #Toddlers

5. Reese got into the candy stash and binged on sweets.
6. The stockings were replaced with your kid's underwear!
7. Your milk wasn't festive enough, so the elf turned it red.
8. Reese brought a present with him! {The Polar Express book and a freezing, cold Jingle Bell from the freezer North Pole}

9. The elf packed your kid's lunch, but you find out it's not their forte. {He packed: croutons, pickles, cornbread mix, tomato paste, snow cone syrup and cat food}
10. Reese is found zip-lining to the Christmas tree, and brought The Elf On The Shelf movie!
11. You've been TPed, while sleeping!
12. The elf is exhausted from all of the mischief, and decided to take a marshmallow bath.

Over 50 Elf On The Shelf Ideas PLUS a Calendar Download & Printables {Domestic Femme} #ElfOnTheShelf #ElfOnTheShelfIdeas #Idea #Nice #Naughty #Good #Bad #Boys #Girls #Printable #Calendars #Picture #Pictures #Photo #Photos #Coloring #Christmas #Holiday #Holidays #Traditions #Tradition #Elves #Activity #Activities #Kids #Minecraft #Creeper #Funny #Mischievous #A #Kids #Toddlers 

13. You and your pets have been Elfed!
14. Reese has been practicing for his Cirque du Soleil auditions.
15. The elf stayed up late, playing video games and snacking on Beaver Nuggets.
16. Bath time!  Like the washcloth hair wrap?

Over 50 Elf On The Shelf Ideas PLUS a Calendar Download & Printables {Domestic Femme} #ElfOnTheShelf #ElfOnTheShelfIdeas #Idea #Nice #Naughty #Good #Bad #Boys #Girls #Printable #Calendars #Picture #Pictures #Photo #Photos #Coloring #Christmas #Holiday #Holidays #Traditions #Tradition #Elves #Activity #Activities #Kids #Minecraft #Creeper #Funny #Mischievous #A #Kids #Toddlers

17. Reese made mini pancakes!
18. Our talented elf made snowflake cut-outs of himself.
19. The elf is found in the manger, cradling baby Jesus.
20. Hot air balloon ride!

Over 50 Elf On The Shelf Ideas PLUS a Calendar Download & Printables {Domestic Femme} #ElfOnTheShelf #ElfOnTheShelfIdeas #Idea #Nice #Naughty #Good #Bad #Boys #Girls #Printable #Calendars #Picture #Pictures #Photo #Photos #Coloring #Christmas #Holiday #Holidays #Traditions #Tradition #Elves #Activity #Activities #Kids #Minecraft #Creeper #Funny #Mischievous #A #Kids #Toddlers

21. "Be Good" - spelled out with M&Ms.
22. The elf used a marker, to write a note on the mirror.
23. Reese brought a present: The Elf On The Shelf ornament!
24. Snowball fight! **Note: These are too hard to throw at anyone/anything.  When you make and then freeze them, they turn rock hard {My husband called it an assassination attempt. Haha!}**
25. The elf is dangling from a light fixture.

Over 50 Elf On The Shelf Ideas PLUS a Calendar Download & Printables {Domestic Femme} #ElfOnTheShelf #ElfOnTheShelfIdeas #Idea #Nice #Naughty #Good #Bad #Boys #Girls #Printable #Calendars #Picture #Pictures #Photo #Photos #Coloring #Christmas #Holiday #Holidays #Traditions #Tradition #Elves #Activity #Activities #Kids #Minecraft #Creeper #Funny #Mischievous #A #Kids #Toddlers

Most of these took 5 minutes to pull together, and used supplies we already had on-hand {leftover Halloween candy, toilet paper, etc}; others took a little more preparation {purchasing a book, movie, ornament, helium-filled balloon, etc}.  

Last year, we noticed a few keepsakes {Polar Express book, The Elf on the Shelf movie/ornament} were missing from our Christmas collection, so the elf graciously brought these.  Normally, Reese isn’t a gift giver; he’s just there for mischief and fun.

If you are on the fence about using a calendar and don’t know if you want to get *that* involved with the whole elf thing, I cannot recommend it enoughYour elf activities are more enjoyable & stress-free, when you don’t have to randomly think of something at the 11th hour.  It’s also much easier to plan the purchase of supplies {when necessary} ahead of time.    

  I created my own calendar for this year's activities {click on it to download}:

Over 50 Elf On The Shelf Ideas PLUS a Calendar Download & Printables {Domestic Femme} #ElfOnTheShelf #ElfOnTheShelfIdeas #Idea #Nice #Naughty #Good #Bad #Boys #Girls #Printable #Calendars #Picture #Pictures #Photo #Photos #Coloring #Christmas #Holiday #Holidays #Traditions #Tradition #Elves #Activity #Activities #Kids #Minecraft #Creeper #Funny #Mischievous #A #Kids #Toddlers #Younger #Older #Quick #Easy #Arrival #Hiding

If you're looking for Elf related presents, check out these amazing gifts!

Additional printables are available here:

Magic Seeds, Worst Cookies Ever, Plant Me

Creeper Mask

Coloring Page {girl}

Coloring Page {boy} 

What will your elf be doing this Christmas season?

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  1. Grandma's this is the perfect gift for grandkids. I'm not sure who gets more enjoyment from the Elf antics, my grandson or my grown kids!

  2. Love these ideas! Going to use a few for our "Elvis" this year. Thanks!

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Trish! I always love seeing the names that kids have given their elves {Elvis} :)

  3. Great ideas I am going to be making our first elf on the shelf dolls for next Christmas as soon as the kids name them I will let you know this has been so helpful.ty

    1. You're MAKING the dolls?! Cool! I'd love to see pics of the final product :)
